The Third Floor

The Third Floor

Katsuhiro Terao

About the artwork

Katsuhiro Terao
The Third Floor, 2003
Dimensions(h x w x d): 35" x 92"
Pencil and acrylic on paper
Located in Vanport Building, suite 520, OHSU-PSU School of Public Health

Katsuhiro Terao’s drawings and paintings, which he calls “Plans,” are filled with pillar lines and welding symbols.

About the artist

Born in Osaka, Japan in 1960, Katsuhiro Terao worked as a welder at his father’s iron factory after graduating from high school. Beginning in 2003, he spent time drawing at Atelier Incurve, a center for persons with intellectual disabilities, and supports their activities to establish themselves in the art world. His work is frequently shown in galleries in New York and Japan.

See more of Katsuhiro Terao's work at Gallery Incurve.

This work was acquired through Oregon's Percent for Art in Public Places Program, managed by the Oregon Arts Commission.

Banner image courtesy of Cavin-Morris Gallery.