Black Life, Black Spatial Imaginaries: Glimpses Across Time and Space, A Visual Bibliography

Black Life, Black Spatial Imaginaries:Glimpses Across Time and Space A Visual Bibliography

Sharita Towne

About the artwork

Sharita Towne
Black Life, Black Spatial Imaginaries: Glimpses Across Time and Space, A Visual Bibliography, 2018–19
Located on the east-facing wall of the student lounge on the 2nd floor

About the artist

Sharita Towne is a transdisciplinary artist born and raised on the West Coast of the U.S., from Salem north to Tacoma and down to Sacramento. She creates interdisciplinary community art projects that engage local and global Black geographies, histories, and possibilities. Towne is founder of A Black Art Ecology of Portland (BAEP), a multi-faceted, multi-discipline, multi-sited initiative that brings together community organizations in coalition to devote resources to creating, reclaiming, and redefining spaces for Black art, youth, and audiences in Portland. She holds a Master of Fine Arts from Portland State University in Contemporary Art Practices. 

See more of Sharita Towne's work on her website.

This work was acquired through Oregon's Percent for Art in Public Places Program, managed by the Oregon Arts Commission.

Banner image: Photo by Jacobsen Valentine.