Portraits-Natalie Ball

Natalie Ball

Natalie is an award-winning Black, Modoc, and Klamath artist. She received her masters at Massey (Maori) University in New Zealand, focusing on Indigenous contemporary art, and an MFA at Yale University in Painting and Printmaking. 

Ball relocated to her ancestral homelands in Chiloquin, Oregon to raise her three children. Her sculptural and installation work explores the internal and external discourses that shape identity, informed by her own complex and intersectional identity as a descendant of enslaved African ancestors, a US soldier whose English last name she carries, and a descendent of Kientpaush, also known as Captain Jack who led Modoc resistance during the Modoc War of 1872. 

Her work has been shown nationally and internationally, including the Half Gallery, NY; Vancouver Art Gallery, BC; Nino Mier Gallery, CA; Portland Art Museum, OR; Gagosian, NY; Seattle Art Museum, WA; Almine Rech Gallery, FR; and SculptureCenter, NY. 

Natalie Ball