

Ben Buswell

About the artwork

Ben Buswell
Passenger, 2013
Dimensions(h x w x d): 64" x 19' x 28"
Embellished Lambda photographic prints
Located in Robertson Life Sciences Building, first floor atrium, along south wall

Passenger was originally created for a solo exhibition entitled We Live Only Through Ourselves, a collection of photographic works that capture ephemeral moments in time, such as those of which the human memory is constructed. The photographs that make up this quadriptych are close-ups of the Columbia River.

About the artist

Ben Buswell (b. 1974) is an artist based in Portland, Oregon. Buswell's sculptural work spans diverse media, encompassing ceramics, metals, resins, incised photographs and more. He subjects these materials to physical processes (such as scratching, piercing, melting and tearing) wherein the accumulation of small, repetitive gestures builds into a complex whole.

Buswell received his MFA from the University of Wisconsin at Madison and BFA from Oregon State University. He is a Hallie Ford Fellow in the Visual Arts (2015) and a two-time recipient of the Career Opportunity Grant from the Oregon Arts Commission and Ford Family Foundation (2014 and 2011). In 2018, Buswell received an Individual Artist Fellowship from the Oregon Arts Commission. In addition to Upfor, notable solo exhibitions include Samuel Freeman in Los Angeles, CoCA Seattle, The Art Gym at Marylhurst University and TILT Gallery and Project Space in Portland. His work has been included in Portland2012: A Biennial of Contemporary Art presented by Disjecta Contemporary Art Center, and The Oregon Biennial at the Portland Art Museum (2006). Collections that house his work include that of Jan and Patricia de Bont and the public collections at the Portland Art Museum, Portland Community College, Western Oregon University, and the University of Oregon. 

See more of Ben Buswell's work on his website.

These works were acquired through Oregon's Percent for Art in Public Places Program, managed by the Oregon Arts Commission.

Banner image: Photo courtesy of the artist.