Grand Ronde, Forgotten Space, B-Corp and the Future

Grand Ronde, Forgotten Space, B-Corp and the Future

Molly Dilworth

About the artwork

Molly Dilworth
Grand Ronde, Forgotten Space, B-Corp and the Future, 2017
Dimensions(h x w x d): 68" x 74", 84" x 78", 82" x 64"
Powder-coated 12 gauge steel
Located in Karl Miller Center atrium

New York-based artist Molly Dilworth seeks to give form to things that invisibly motivate our actions. This particular piece functions as an indirect commentary on capitalism. The three sculptures represent everyday consumer items which, in today's global economy, are often produced in areas of scarcity and sold to areas of abundance, an imbalance hidden from consumers. Together, the pieces, flattened like digital interfaces, form a pictographic network that stands for people and communities as well as the goods they produce and consume.

About the artist

Molly Dilworth creates site-specific, abstract paintings and sculptures to address our relationships to history, nature and technology. Commissions include a relief sculpture for a light rail station in Denver, and a five-block, 50,000-square-foot temporary mural covering the surface of Broadway from 47th to 42nd Streets in Times Square, Manhattan.

See more of Molly Dilworth's work on her website.

This work was acquired through Oregon's Percent for Art in Public Places Program, managed by the Oregon Arts Commission.

Banner image: Photo by Sarah Abbott.