

Pae White

About the artwork

Pae White
Fauxcilitator, 2014
Dimensions: 6000 linear feet
6,000 feet of LEDs and driver
Located in Robertson Life Sciences Building atrium

Fauxcilitator incorporates not only the architectural elements of the Life Sciences Building atrium, but also Portland’s rainy climate and the prevalence of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) among college students. The LED tubes represent a spectrum of light temperatures, reflecting changes in daylight.

About the artist

Pae White is an American multimedia artist known for large-scale installations in a variety of media and for her unconventional use of non-exhibition spaces. She is represented by Los Angeles gallery 1301PE; see more of her work on 1301PE's website.

This work was acquired through Oregon's Percent for Art in Public Places Program, managed by the Oregon Arts Commission.

Banner image: Photo by Kelly J James.