Entrium Light Cloud

Entrium Light Cloud

Faulders Studio

About the artwork

Faulders Studio
Entrium Light Cloud, 2013
Dimensions(h x w x d): 418" x 176" x ~12"
Powder-coated aluminum on steel framework
Located over the main entrance at the southeast corner of Science Research and Teaching Center, with a smaller canopy section over the northeast entrance

This three-dimensional cantilever canopy, constructed of curving aluminum fins, filters daylight while maintaining a bright and open area below. Inspired by the light-filtering effects and spatial layering formed by the arboreal canopies in the adjacent Park Blocks, the composition of contours blends a gridded arrangement with circular focal point geometries to create patterns reminiscent of "vectorial weather flows, topographical contours, wave oscillations, and amorphous cellular clusters."

About the artist

Faulders Studio of Oakland, CA, practices a multi-disciplinary approach to architecture. Works include permanent public art installations, museum and gallery exhibitions, and speculative design research with a focus on inventive production methodologies and new materials.

Learn more on Faulders Studio's website.

This work was acquired through Oregon's Percent for Art in Public Places Program, managed by the Oregon Arts Commission.

Banner image: Photo by Mary McVein.