

Storm Tharp

About the artwork

Storm Tharp
Diver, 2017
Dimensions(h x w x d): 85" x 50"
Monotype on paper
Located in Peter Stott Center main floor, southwest corner

In the artist's words: “I've come to regard my work as representational - in a rather liberal assignment of the word. The portrait, the contour and the field are in reference to the senses, the intellect, and the uncanny. The work elicits meaning or feeling that is recognizable. Abstraction and representation walk hand in hand and share the same body ... If one portrait imbues an entire life story, the colorfield works exercise an emotional code of unraveling that story. And in this way, I believe the portrait and the field are equivalent; like twins from different fathers.”

About the artist

Storm Tharp was raised in Ontario, Oregon, and currently resides in Portland. He received his BFA from Cornell University. His work was featured in the 2010 Whitney Biennial and has been acquired by the Whitney Museum of American Art, Albright Knox Gallery, Saatchi Gallery, Portland Art Museum, Portland Institute for Contemporary Art, and Reed College. He is represented by PDX Contemporary Art (Portland), Nicole Klagsbrun (New York) and Galerie Bertrand & Gruner (Geneva).

See more of Storm Tharp's work at PDX Contemporary Art.

This work was acquired through Oregon's Percent for Art in Public Places Program, managed by the Oregon Arts Commission.

Banner image: Photo by Evan La Londe.