

Manuel Izquierdo

About the artwork

Manuel Izquierdo
Campana, 1974
Dimensions(h x w x d): 83" x 39" x 14"
Welded and painted steel with wood pedestal
Located in Lincoln Hall, first floor south hallway

Campana was placed in Lincoln Hall in memory of Margaret “Peg” Clark (1904-1970), Portland State University professor of English and Assistant Dean of Arts and Letters. The commemorative plaque on the sculpture’s pedestal identifies Clark as “a woman deeply concerned, politically and socially, with her community.”

About the artist

Manuel Izquierdo (1928–2009) was a Portland sculptor, printmaker, and educator born in Madrid, Spain, who arrived in Portland in 1942 as a teenage refugee from wartime Europe. He studied at the Museum Art School in Portland (now Pacific Northwest College of Art), where he went on to serve as faculty, retiring in 1997 after 46 years of teaching. His public sculptures can be seen in a variety of Portland public places, such as The Dreamer in Pettygrove Square. His work is represented in numerous collections including the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the Philadelphia Museum in Pennsylvania, and the Portland Art Museum.

Learn more about Manuel Izquierdo on the Portland Art Museum's website.

Banner image: Photo by Mary McVein.