Lead Artist: Susie Lee

Lead Artist

Susie Lee

Susie Lee an artist, entrepreneur, and single mother. Her work centers on technology that amplifies human creativity. She is currently a co-founder of SoopahGenius, an AI-powered storytelling platform. 

A graduate of Yale, Columbia, Teachers College, and University of Washington, Susie holds degrees in molecular biophysics and biochemistry, education, and fine arts. Her background as scientist, educator, and artist feeds into a rhizomatic curiosity grounded in a strong sense of vocation to impact the world positively and concretely. Previously, she cared for patients at a long-term care facility during a residency that resulted in the award-winning Still Lives portraits. She explored the world of fracking to shine light to the small-town, blue-collar stories of oil workers. She is now working on a startup that democratizes storytelling and for this permanent commission, highlights individuals whose communities have been most affected by the pandemic and racial reckoning in 2020. 

Susie embraces the complex, joyfully inconsistent, non-reductive, passionate and high-risk path of artists and entrepreneurs and hopes that it positively impacts her daughter, Hana Inza.