Affine no 2

Affine #2

Beili Liu

About the artwork

Beili Liu
Affine #2, 2011
Dimensions(h x w x d): 36" x 48" x 1"
Hand cut paper and graphite on birch panel
Located in Fariborz Maseeh Hall basement, northeast of study lounge

Beili Liu is drawn to a myriad of dichotomies: lightness contrasted with heft; fierceness countered by resilience; chaos balanced by quiet order, each expressed through commonplace materials and elements (thread, scissors, paper, stone, fire, and water). Liu’s process-driven exploitation of these materials, through repetition and hand work, brings a transient quality to her objects and installations, which infer ideas of displacement, erasure, and domestic labor.

About the artist

Born in Jilin, China, Beili Liu received her MFA from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and is a Professor of Art at the University of Texas at Austin. Liu is a visual artist who creates material-and-process-driven, site-responsive installations. Her work has been exhibited in Asia, Europe and across the United States, and has been showcased in group exhibitions at the National Museum for Women in the Arts, Washington, D.C. (2012), Hamburg Art Week, Germany (2012), the Kaunas Biennale, Lithuania (2011), and the 23rd and 25th Miniartextil International Contemporary Fiber Art exhibitions in Como, Italy (2015, 2013).

See more of Beili Liu's work on her website.

This work was acquired through Oregon's Percent for Art in Public Places Program, managed by the Oregon Arts Commission.

Banner image: photo by Josh Gates.