
Electromagnetic field

FluxMagic is a Portland-based startup that develops novel magnetic devices for renewable energy applications. The company's goal is to create world-leading, magneto-mechanical energy conversion devices for industrial and consumer use and reduce CO2 emissions.

FluxMagic designs systems that utilize powerful magnets arranged so that the fluxes (forces created by magnetic fields working against each other) can transfer energy from one moving part to another without physical contact. FluxMagic's gearing systems and other actuators can operate without lubricants or heat transfer fluids and should have a much longer lifespan than traditional mechanical systems.

Founder Jonathan Bird, a Portland State University engineering professor, opened its doors in April 2019 after receiving a grant from NASA to explore aeronautics research. 

Currently, FluxMagic is in the process of researching and developing technologies that could contribute to environmentally friendly, all-electric passenger planes capable of replacing those powered by traditional combustion engines. 

"Today, there are no ways for electric planes to work. We're trying to change that. Right now, we're like the Wright Brothers when they tested out their first plane, and it only flew for 30 minutes. The goal is to make an all-electric passenger plane that can fly across the country," said Bird.

FluxMagic's team currently consists of four PSU engineering students. Bird hopes to recruit more students as the business grows and expands. The company has operated out of the Portland State Business Accelerator (PSBA) since August 2019.

"I like being in the PSBA because it is convenient. It's not a far walk from PSU," said Bird. 

Other projects that the company is currently working on include developing magnetical springs that are easy to push, which can be useful for motors and prosthetics.

As for the future, Bird hopes that FluxMagic will make positive, long-term changes in the environment. 

"I would like to see some of the research I've been doing be useful to society by reducing the harm done to the environment. I want to transition the work we do in the lab to actual products for more markets."

FluxMagic's development of revolutionary technology has the potential to reduce the harm done to our environment by significantly improving the cost, reliability, and efficiency of air travel and other potential markets in the future. With its team of bright engineers and mission to reduce carbon emissions, FluxMagic is on its way to being a pioneer of magnetically geared aircraft research and development