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SEMI Professional Development Seminar

Friday October 11th 2024 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Attendance is free, but registration is required by 10/9

SEMI Professional Development Seminar (PDS) with Portland State University (PSU)
Date/Time: Friday Oct 11, 10-3pm PST
Venue: The Smith Memorial Union Ballroom 
Description:  A professional development seminar organized by SEMI Pacific Northwest Chapter.  
Come learn about careers in the semiconductor industry at the SEMI Professional Development Seminar hosted by Portland State University. Listen to professionals in the industry talk about their roles and find out how to prepare for jobs in the Semiconductor Industry.  

  • Learn about career opportunities and skill sets needed in high tech 
  • Acquire valuable, practical information that will help you choose career directions and plan for success 
  • Discover semiconductor jobs you didn't know existed and how you can connect with employers in the Industry 
  • Learn how to optimize your resume and boost your interview skills and how to land a Job 
  • Lunch and snacks will be provided 
  • Students are welcome to come and go  
  • Swag & Giveaways at Employer Tables!
  • Attendance is free, but registration is required. Register by October 9th, 2024 

9:45 am - Student Check-in
10:00 am - Welcome & Introduction - Frank Goovaerts & Leonard Weitman
10:15 am – High Tech Companies 101- Industry Overview and Career Opportunities  - Pam Fischer @ Intel
10:45 am – Prepare to go Pro (Resume Building + Interviewing Skills, including tips and tricks on how to land a job in Semiconductors + Q&A) 
11:10 am - Introduction to Panelist, 3-min each (young engineers, recent grads) - Damian Scandiffio of Acara Solutions will moderate

  1. Bao Tran Nguyen, Fab Process Engineer, Diffusion/Wet Process/Implant, Microchip
  2. Liam Kearney, Mechanical Design Engineer, Edwards
  3. Facility Design @ Alex Smoot, Corbin Engineering
  4. Equipment Engineer @ Michael Hobernicht, Lam Research
  5. Applications Engineer  @Matthew Johnson, Applications Engineer, Siltronic 
  6. Software Engineer (AI) @ Tilden Chin, Technical Support Engineer, TEL

11:30 am - Students to Think of your questions to ask Panelists & Get Lunch
11:45 am - Panel Discussion + QA - Damian Scandiffio of Acara Solutions will moderate
12:45 pm – Job Opportunities – Only Sponsors – 1min. Elevator Pitch of your company
1:00 pm – Networking with Semiconductor Industry Leaders (also visit Table displays of companies)
3:00 pm - Adjourn