McNair Cohort 2022


Malik Abdellatif 
Chemistry Major
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Shankar Rananavare
Research Project: Synthesis and Characterization of Copper Nanowires on Electrode Surfaces using Reduction Chemistry

McNair Cohort 2022


Edgar Alcantar 
Psychology & Social Science Major
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Tessa Dover
Research Project: Physiological Correlates of Hiring Decisions


Aya Attal
Biology and Computer Science Major
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Susan Masta
Research Project: Do the Pycnogonids Achelia gracilipes Exhibit Genetic Structuring?: A preliminary review


Sarah Autry
Science and Biology Major, Community Health Education Minor
Faculty Mentor: MS Samantha Underwood
Research Project: Prevention of Deep Vein Thrombosis in Obese Trauma Patient


Autum Baker
Anthropology Major
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Michele Gamburd & Dr. Amiee B. Potter
Research Project: Science Literacy and Popular Culture: Forensic Anthropology in Application and Fiction


Juan Daniel Becerra
Computer Science Major
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Gerasimos Fergadiotis
Research Project: Looking at the accuracy of automatic classification for deficits in the American English language


Patricia Cabrera-Perez 
Biology Major
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Erin Shortlidge
Research Project: Sense of Belonging in STEM


Crystal Clark
Biology Major, Neuroscience Minos
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Deborah (Deb) A. Finn
Research Project: Effects of CRFR1 Neural Activation in the Prelimbic Cortex on Ethanol Drinking Behavior


Caitlin Costello
Environmental Science Major, Anthropology Minor
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Jennifer Morse
Research Project: The Effect of Rhizophagus intraradices Mycorrhizal Fungi on Iron Uptake of Corn


O’Ryai Green
Psychology Major, Biology Minor
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Karlyn Adams-Wiggins
Research Project: African American Women Health Disparities in the US


Danna Guzman
Chemistry Major, Biology Minor
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Jonathan Pruneda
Research Project: A study on Mycobacterium tuberculosis and its interactions with the host SUMO system


Zooey Hatjes
Psychology Major, Indigenous Nations Studies Minor
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Judy Bluehorse Skelton
Research Project: Tea Time with Indigenous Students in Higher Education: Understanding the Harm of Navigating Through A Colonial Institution While Caring for Their Spirits


Michelle Hesek
Environmental Science Major, Water Resources Minor
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Patrick Edwards
Research Project: Invasive Plant Species and Their Impact on Stream Health using Macroinvertebrates in the Willamette Valley, Oregon


Salena Keys-Kukoricza
Psychology Major, Neuroscience Minor
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Michael Christopher
Research Project: The Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) on anxiety within BIPOC Communities: The moderating role of dispositional mindfulness


Thomas Monroe
Biology Major
Faculty Mentor:  Dr. Justin Courcell
Research Project: Does YBAB interfere with proper Rec R expression?


Kobe Norcross
Computer Science Major, Indigenous Nations Studies Minor
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Kelly Gonzales
Research Project: Language revitalization through Software


Robert Northman
Social Science Major, Civic Leadership Minor
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Aaron Roussell
Research Project: Survival in the City Streets: An Autoethnographic Analysis Challenging the Criminalization of Urban Street Gangs


Daniela Ortiz Mendez
Anthropology Major
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Charles Klein
Research Project: Effects of Anthropology as a White Academic Space: The Experiences of Minority Anthropology Students at Portland State University


Shela Pennington
Child, Youth, and Family Studies Major, Sociology Minor
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Jana Meinhold
Research Project: Supporting the Needs of Children and Families in Title 1 Schools


Ines Rossi y Costa
Psychology Major
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Jeffrey Proulx
Research Project: Re-envisioning Public Health Care Delivery through the Indigenous Relational Worldview Model


Ariel Segura
Sociology & Liberal Studies Major
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Amy Lubitow
Research Project: Motivations for a Green and Just World: Analyzing Narratives of Young Environmental Activists in the Pacific Northwest


Ryne Shelton
Computer Engineering Major
Faculty Mentor: Dr. John Lipor
Research Project: Geothermal Favorability Through the Lens of Anomaly Detection


Yuna Sunagawa
Double Major General Science & Public Health studies, Minor Biology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Jeffrey Prouxl
Research Project: Implicit bias in healthcare


Raymond Thormin-Odum
Biology Major
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Jonah Sacha
Research Project: Effects of TIGIT blockade in Rhesus macaques


Sara Young
Psychology Major & English Minor
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Julia Dancis
Research Project: Alzheimer’s Disease and Socioeconomic Status


Maria Zavala
Double Major Economics & Sociology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. John Battaile Hall
Research Project: Daughter of Bertha: An Autoethnography on the Educational Effects of Cultural Imperialism on Children of Immigrants.


Sahara Defrees
Architecture Major
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Anna Goodman
Research Project: Searching for Holistic Architecture: An Analysis and Synthesis of Existing Design Tools for Improving the Ethical Impact of the Built Environment

Jessica Hlavinka
Psychology Major
Research Project: Early On-Set Psychosis Support Update