Associate Professor

Indigenous Nations Studies

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Judy BlueHorse Skelton, (Nez Perce/Cherokee) currently develops and teaches courses in the Indigenous Traditional Ecological and Cultural Knowledge (ITECK) Certificate Program, including Indigenous Ecological Healing Practices, Indigenous Leadership for Sustainable Futures, and Indigenous Gardens and Food Justice. She has worked with federal, state and local Native organizations and tribes throughout the Northwest for more than 25 years, conducting cultural activities focusing on traditional and contemporary uses of native plants for food, medicine, ceremony, and healthy lifeways. Judy serves on the Center for Tribal Nations Advisory Council to OMSI, Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians, and the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission. Her collaborative work includes the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians, the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, the Native American Rehabilitation Assn., the Many Nations Academy at NAYA, and other Native organizations in the Northwest. She has served on the Native American Community Advisory Council (NACAC) since its formation in 2011, partnering with Portland Parks, Metro, Bureau of Environmental Services and US Fish and Wildlife Service, integrating Indigenous land practices with ITECK to address Food Sovereignty/Justice and reclaim the urban forest for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.