First cohort of students with intellectual disabilities graduates

Rachel Esteve poses for a photo
—Harry Esteve

Portland State University’s 2020 virtual commencement was the first of its kind in more ways than one. Five students with Down syndrome—the first cohort of the Career and Community Studies program—graduated with a four-year certificate.

Launched in 2016 and funded by a five-year federal grant, the program’s focus is providing access to a typical post-secondary education experience for students with intellectual disabilities who are traditionally left behind. Students take classes aligned with their career interests and are encouraged to participate in campus life and activities.

The first five graduates were Rachel Esteve (pictured), Lucy Balthazaar, Wyatt Isaacs, William Larson and Sawyer Viola. This fall, the program includes 15 students. 

“Other people have assumptions that we can’t go to college,” Balthazaar said. “And I think we need to make it clear that we are not less, we can go to college and we are beautiful people.”