Students studying in the park blocks

Math Start Initiative

Program Overview

The Math Start program is a series of classes designed to help students who need extra math support and to shift towards being student-ready regarding math competence.

The program is here to offer vital assistance to students as they begin their math college experience. With multiple classes offered and a focus on teamwork, we help you build confidence in math and prepare for future math courses. This program is also designed to help students meet PSU's math proficiency requirements.

*You must be logged into your PSU account in order to open the Google Form below to Register

Fill out our Google Form to Register:

Program Highlights

  1. Small class sizes 
  2. Educators with specialized training in building foundational math skills and math confidence

Courses Offered Through Math Start

  1. UNST 199: Qualities in Math Confidence (4 credits)

    1. This course is designed for any student placed into Math 95 or below interested in working on their math confidence.  Additionally, we will work on problem-solving and ALEKS modules to prepare you for either Stat 243Z, Math 105Z, or Math 111Z.  This class does not count towards your BA or BS math requirement.
  2. Math 111Z Precalculus I: Functions (4 credits)

    1. This course is tailored for students preparing for trigonometry or calculus, emphasizing functions and their properties, including polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, piecewise-defined, and inverse functions, explored symbolically, numerically, and graphically in real-world applications, with a focus on skill-building, problem-solving, modeling, reasoning, communication, interdisciplinary connections, and the appropriate use of technology. *Must be taken with Math 199

      In Conjunction With

  3. Math 199: Precalculus Support (1 credit)

    1. This course is designed to empower your mathematical journey with a strengths-based approach. This course is tailored to reinforce foundational skills and concepts from MTH 095, fostering success in MTH 111Z. Our interactive environment provides the perfect setting to develop, practice, or refresh algebraic and study skills. Prerequisites include placement into MTH 095 within the last year or completion of MTH 095 with a grade not exceeding C-, and co-enrollment in an MTH 111Z course with in-person lecture delivery.


Summer Math Start

  • We are offering 4 completely free sections of UNST 199: Qualities in Math Confidence this Summer starting July 15th through September 5th
  • This 4-credit class is offered over the summer for FREE to help students reach their desired math course by the fall term.
  • Classes takes place twice a week for 2 hours and 20 minutes each session.
  • Students must allocate extra time beyond class hours to independently finish homework assignments. Additional support is offered through the Learning Center. 
  • If your orientation date is on the same date as your class your instructor will let you out to attend
  • If you are attending the Summer Scholars Program, your instructors will work with you to ensure you can attend both seamlessly regardless of the program overlap.

Summer Math Start Schedule 

UNST 199 in-person Class Times

  • Section 1: MW 10:00 - 12:20 in-person
  • Section 2: MW 2:00 - 4:20 in-person
  • Section 3: Tu/Th 3:30 - 5:50 in-person
  • Section 4: Tu/Th 5:30 - 7:50 in-person - Section 4 is Statistics focused as Statistics is needed for certain social science majors
    • NOTE: This course will not apply towards enrollment for financial aid.

Why Does it Benefit Me to Join Math Start?

  • Math Start was created to help you work on increasing your math confidence, decreasing your math anxiety, all while you practice fundamental math skills aimed to propel you to the next appropriate math course for your academic major.  

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A chart describing how ALEKS scores place you into math classes

What Will my Math Journey Look Like?

This graphic that we call Mathways is a visual representation of your process with the ALEKS assessment tool, the classes you will take as a result and your potential to work within placement system to improve your score.