Woman at desk

Administrator Turnover in Assisted Living and Residential Care Facilities

Administrators in assisted living and residential care (AL/RC) facilities play a vital role in ensuring that residents receive adequate and appropriate care by trained and experienced staff. However, only half of the current administrators employed in AL/RC facilities licensed by the Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) as of January 2018 had been working in their current position for longer than 18 months.

Considering the importance of administrators to the successful day-to-day operation of AL/RC facilities, our series of studies examine organizational, occupational, contextual, and personal factors associated with administrator turnover in AL/RC facilities located in Oregon to answer the following questions:

  • What factors are associated with administrator turnover and tenure?
  • What can be done to decrease high administrator turnover? 
  • What can be done to ensure a successful transition during administrator change in facilities?

To understand these issues, as well as the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, this project is structured through several phases that incorporate both qualitative and quantitative approaches, including:

  • Quantitative analysis of administrator characteristics, turnover, and tenure data obtained by ODHS records.
  • Qualitative interviews with AL/RC administrators (n=40) and stakeholders (n=13) and one-year follow-up interviews with administrators.
  • An online survey distributed to all current AL/RC administrators asking about their background and career, job satisfaction, and several aspects of wellbeing.
  • Predictive analysis of six-month and twelve-month administrator turnover exploring facility characteristics associated with turnover.

This project is funded by the Oregon Department of Human Services Quality Care Fund. Reports and manuscripts will be added to this page as they are completed and approved.

July 2019 - February 2021 



Project Directors
Paula Carder, PhD, carderp@pdx.edu
Ozcan Tunalilar, PhD, tozcan@pdx.edu

Project Manager
Serena Hasworth, MPH, wserena@pdx.edu 



Administrator Turnover in Oregon Assisted Living and Residential Care Communities, March 2020-February 2021