Vacation & Personal Days

Employee Eligibility and Accrual

Eligible employees accrue vacation on a monthly basis, beginning with date of hire, and prorated during the first month. Vacation accrues on the last day of the month and is available for use the first day of the next month subject to the required "Wait Period and Maximum Balance" provisions outlined in this text.

Unclassified employees employed at .50 FTE or more on a 12-month benefits eligible appointment and all Classified employees are eligible to accrue vacation benefits. 9-month benefits eligible appointment employees are not eligible to accrue vacation benefits.

Accrual Schedule by Employee Type

Position TypeVacationPersonal Days
Classified—Full Time*Accrual starts at eight hours per month and increases every five years by two hours up to a maximum of 18 hours per month.24 hours per fiscal year (7/1 through 6/30 each year)
No carry over allowed**
Classified—Part Time*Full Time accruals are prorated for part-time staff based on actual hours worked.24 hours per fiscal year (7/1 through 6/30 each year)
No carry over allowed**
Unclassified—12 month term of service*15 hours accrued per month; prorated for less than 1.0 FTE employees based on actual hours worked.Not Applicable

*Any leave without pay during the month will reduce the amount of vacation accrued for that month, including leave without pay, sabbatical leave, and educational leave.

** Personal Leave is prorated based on FTE as of July 1 each year, provided it is anticipated the employee will work 1,040 hours or more during the fiscal year. Failure to work 1,040 hours will result in a recovery of any personal hours previously paid by PSU.

Scheduling and Use of Vacation Leave

Vacation time off is generally scheduled in advance cooperatively with the approval of the employee's supervisor. Vacation time off should be scheduled in such a manner as to minimize the disruption to the operations of the department and organization, within reasonable supervisory discretion. As a general rule, requests to use five days of vacation or more should be submitted in writing 15 days before the desired starting date; requests for fewer than five days should be submitted within five days advance notice.

Each department may establish guidelines for employees in addition to this in order to meet customer service and operational needs of the department. A supervisor may within their discretion grant a vacation request on less notice depending on circumstances present in the department and for the employee at that time. Where the result of a denial would result in the forfeiture of accrued vacation a supervisor may not unreasonably deny a vacation request.


Employees must record and submit usage of vacation and/or personal days accurately on the applicable timesheet and/or leave roster within established payroll deadlines.

Inter-Institutional Transfers and Job Classification Changes

When an employee in an eligible unclassified position transfers to another unclassified position within the University or to another Opregon Public University, the employee shall transfer all accrued vacation leave to the new position. However, if there is a break in service of more than 30 days, all accrued vacation pay will be paid off by the sending institution and the employee will be considered a new hire in the new position. Moving from position to position within the same institution shall not be considered a transfer or break in service for purposes of this rule.

When an employee in a classified position, who is eligible for vacation leave, receives an unclassified vacation eligible appointment, the employee may bring up to 80 hours of vacation leave to the receiving department and receive cash from the sending department or institution for any remaining accrued vacation leave. The employee is not required to serve a six-month wait period to use accrued vacation. In addition, the receiving department or institution may agree to accept up to 250 accrued hours at their discretion.

Vacation Borrowing and/or Donation

Employees in Unclassified positions may not transfer, donate or borrow vacation time.

Employees in classified positions may donate hours under the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement (Article 40, Section 3).

Additional References