Position Classification




Creating a Position Description

The first step in creating a position at PSU is to perform a business need analysis. This includes a systematic study of business needs to determine what activities and responsibilities a position should include, the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) necessary for performance of the position, minimum and preferred qualifications (MQs), and the conditions under which the work is performed. An important concept in position creation is that the position is based upon business need, not the employee performing the work (incumbent-neutral process). 

A position description is constructed differently depending on the PSU position type and establishes the foundation for the relationship with the university. It is used:

  1. to post positions for recruitment, so job candidates may determine whether to apply for our positions,
  2. by selection committees in the selection process, and
  3. to complete the evaluation of employee performance.

As such, it is important that every employee receive a copy of their position description that accurately describes the essential duties and responsibilities as well as the MQ/KSAs required to carry out the duties. MQ/KSAs that are not required, but are preferred, should also be listed and identified as preferred criteria. Position requirements, which are used as the selection criteria, should be examined closely to be certain that each MQ/KSA listed is truly required for the incumbent to be successful in the job and not simply the result of traditional practices or elevated expectations.

Position Description Maintenance

Unless immediate changes are necessary, it is important that supervisors collaborate with employees to review the position description at least annually to ensure that it remains up to date and accurately reflects the job being performed. Best practice is to do this as part of the annual performance evaluation.

Developing a Solid and Useful Position Description

An opening/vacancy is a fantastic opportunity to make sure the department is moving forward in the most strategic and positive way possible. Time invested in thoughtfully creating the position description can make the difference between a good or bad hiring decision.

Use the following tips as a starting place to develop a well-rounded position description:

1) Is the existing position description still good enough or is it just a good starting point. Does it need a few minor adjustments or a complete overhaul?

2) Have the specific needs of the department changed comapred with the current position description? Allow yourself to think creatively and outside of this position’s responsibilities in the past.

3) Is this the time to reorganize or reclassify personnel in the department? This may be an opportunity to increase, decrease, or otherwise rearrangs the responsibilities for others for advancement or support.

4) What are the actual responsibilities of the position? Be clear in listing technical, mastered, transferrable, and behavioral skills are necessary. What are the minimum and preferred qualifications

5) Think about (or possibly talk with) past employees in this or similar positions. What qualities/skills or strengths/weaknesses influenced their performance?

6) Talk to coworkers of this position, managers in the department, and other stakeholders to determine what skills and qualities yhey value in this position as well as what needs they have as a customer of this position.

Make a comprehensive list. This information will be the guide to preparing a well structured position description, creating advertisements and announcements, and planning the overall selection process.

Position Types

PSU positions are categorized by group and may be represented by a collective bargaining agreement (CBA). There are also those that have unrepresented status or excluded status. Because the terms referring to Position Types are used extensively at PSU, this section is an aid to understanding how to know into which group the position falls.

Classified Posiitons


These position types fall into different categories based upon representation unit.

Office support, technical support positions. These positions are represented by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 503, OPEU. For a full listing of job titles that are represented by this bargaining unit, refer to the OPU-SEIU Collective Bargaining Agreement and/or the USSE Classification Specifications

Police, campus security, and campus dispatcher positions encompass the role of keeping PSU’s campus open and secure. These positions are represented by Portland State University Police Association (PSUPA). For a full listing of job titles that are represented by this bargaining unit, refer to the PSU-PSUPA Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Stage Carpenters, Stage Electricians, Flymen, Riggers, Stage and Production Truckloaders, Wardrobe, Dressers and Stagehands employed to work on stage productions presented in Portland State University's Lincoln Performance Hall (Lincoln Hall 175). These positions are represented by International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE).

Unclassified Posiitons

These position types fall into different categories based upon representation status

Full-time Faculty and Academic Professional Positions:

These are positions at .50 FTE or above in one of the following appointments:

Fixed-term or tenure related with duties in teaching, conducting research or providing public service, or

Fixed-term only and placed in job families based upon the academic professional & unclassified/unranked classification-compensation study completed in 2018 resulting in 8 separate job families and career tracks. More information can be found by viewing the Academic Professional Job Families & Career Tracks.

These positions are represented by the American Association of University Professors (AAUP). For a full list of job titles and job families that are considered Faculty or Academic Professional, refer to the PSU-AAUP Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Part-time/Adjunct Faculty Positions:

These positions are part-time/adjunct faculty positions bringing specific expertise in teaching for the University at .49 or less FTE. Terms of appointment may be for a single term or in some cases, may extend to a multiple term contract. These positions supplement full-time teaching in meeting teaching, research, or service commitments and are represented by the PSU Faculty Association (PSUFA-AFT) and are eligible for part-time faculty benefits. For a full listing of job titles that are considered part-time/adjunct faculty, refer to the PSU-PSUFA collective bargaining agreement.

Research Positions are categorized as either classified or unclassified. Please refer to the Research Matrix for more information.

Unclassified & Unrepresented Positions

Referred to as "Un/Un," these are positions at .50 FTE or above, including professional academic or staff positions that are not ranked or tenured and are not represented by a collective bargaining agreement. These positions are excluded from the collective bargaining unit due to managerial, confidential or supervisory duties.

UN/UN Families & Career Tracks

Assistant Dean Criteria

Faculty, Chair, & Dean Resources

Other Positions

In addition to Classified and Unclassified position types, the University has a large commitment to providing student and temporary employment opportunities.

Temporary and Wage Agreement Positions

These positions can fall under either classified or unclassified criteria when PSU has short-term needs during a recruitment effort, a leave of absence, assisting in short-term projects or workflow increases, or other University needs. Some of these positions reflect job titles found in our SEIU contract and are referred to as temporary classified. All other short-term positions with unclassified job duties are paid through contracts called Wage Agreements.

Graduate Assistant Positions

These positions require Graduate Admission status, the maintenance of term and cumulative GPAs of 3.00 or higher in a graduate degree program at PSU, and satisfactory completion of a minimum of nine graduate credits each term the assistantship is in effect with the exception of Summer Term. For additional information, see the Graduate Assistantships webpage.

Student (Work-Study and Regular Wage) Positions

These positions require undergraduate enrollment in at least 6 credit hours or graduate enrollment in at least 5 credit hours. A Work-Study student position is funded primarily through a work-study award through the Office of Financial Aid received by the student. The University offers many positions of this type throughout the campus. In addition, Student Regular Wage positions may be available based upon the University needs and within budgetary constraints. Learn More.

Postdoctoral Scholars

Postdoctoral scholars are trainees, and as such, are required to have PSU faculty mentors and professional development programming. Postdocs are also unranked, unrepresented PSU employees. As employees, postdocs are eligible for most PSU employee benefits. For more information, refer to the Postdoctoral Scholar webpage. Learn More.

Volunteer/Affiliated Service


Volunteer/Affiliated Service is anyone providing non-remunerative service to Portland State University (e.g., visiting scholars/courtesy faculty); or who is affiliated with PSU (e.g., Foundation, some contractors) and require PSU services (Library, OIT, etc.). Each authorized volunteer must complete the PSU Authorized Volunteer/PSU Affiliated Service form. The requesting department assumes liability for the volunteer/affiliate. All forms expire June 30th. A new form must be completed each year for (1) volunteer service that continues into the next fiscal year; (2) when volunteering for a different activity; or (3) when volunteer duties change. The form needs to remain in the department where the volunteer duties are being performed, with a copy to the Office of Human Resources. PSU ODIN account requests will be in accordance with OIT policy and practice. PSU ID requests will be in accordance with ID Services policy and practice.

Position Changes

Business needs and positions change over time due to increased job complexity, responsibilities, departmental restructuring, and / or organizational change. Portland State has best practices and procedures in place for managing these scenarios for both temporary and permanent position changes. Interested in seeing how position changes and career goals could intersect? Visit our Professional Development materials.

Changes In Position Placement / Reclassification

Depending on the Position Type, permanent changes are managed differently. These changes may be guided by a collective bargaining agreement.

Unclassified & Unrepresented (Un/Un) 

Position descriptions or other documentation should be updated to reflect new responsibilities as changes to business needs occur. Supervisors should submit changes via PeopleAdmin. Significant changes to positions may require a letter of offer, a new position, and / or additional paperwork. Please contact HR for information and assistance.

Classified Positions

(Represented by Service Employees International Union (SEIU))

The SEIU Collective Bargaining Agreement addresses how changes to position classification impact an employee when the University’s needs dictate a change to duties and responsibilities. Supervisors typically initiate the first step if there are changes to the position job duties that seem to fit better in a different classification. To recommend a classification change, supervisors must first submit the position updates to the Compensation & Classification Team via PeopleAdmin. Please do not guarantee any changes to employees regarding their positions without full approval by HR.

Academic Professional Positions

Academic professional positions are influenced by the AAUP Collective Bargaining Agreement which outlines requests for review of a position's placement in a Job Family or Career Track. A supervisor may make changes to positions and then directly request a position placement review through HR, but there are specific steps that an employee must follow in order to submit a placement review request themselves.

Fixed-term instructional and research faculty position change guidelines are set by the employee’s individual contract and school where the position resides. Further information on these positions can be found in the contract as well.

Minor modifications

Major modifications

Representation Status Changes

If conditions are met for exclusion under statute and the position should no longer be represented, the supervisor should discuss this with the Compensation & Classification Team (compensation@pdx.edu).

  1. The supervisor will submit a memo outlining the reasons for exclusion and include an updated position description to the Comp/Class Team for review.
  2. The Comp/Class team will review the proposed changes and determine if the request warrants an exclusion.
  3. If approved by Comp/Class, then the Supervisor will establish a new position in PeopleAdmin.