Currently Accolades: People for August 1, 2024

Graphic icon of three people
  1. Shane Day, Urban & Public Affairs faculty, was awarded the American Political Science Association’s Congressional Fellowship for the 2024-2025 academic year.
  2. Julia Freybote, Business faculty, has been invited to join the editorial boards of Journal of Real Estate Research (JRER) and Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management (JREPM), publications of the American Real Estate Society (ARES) published by Taylor & Francis. 
  3. Arsh Haque, director of the Portland State Business Accelerator and Business adjunct faculty, was listed on the Portland Business Journal’s 2024 list of 40 influential young professionals under 40 years of age.
  4. Daniel Jaffee, Sociology faculty, received the 2024 Outstanding Publication Award from the American Sociological Association’s Environmental Sociology section for his book Unbottled: The Fight Against Plastic Water and for Water Justice.
  5. Daniel Jaffee, Sociology faculty, had his research on bottled water and inequality featured on The Academic Minute podcast.
  6. Jennifer Kerns, History faculty, was presented with the PSU Honors College Thesis Advisor Award for 2023-2024.
  7. Ji Woon (June) Ryu, Business faculty, discussed the findings from her Journal of Applied Psychology paper titled “Taking a heavier toll? Racial differences in the effects of workplace mistreatment on depression” on April 1 on the podcast HealthyWork.