Currently Accolades: Presented for December 6, 2021

Illustration of three ribbons


  1. Miriam Abelson, women, gender and sexuality studies faculty, gave a keynote address titled “Transitioning Men and Transforming Critical Masculinities” at the American Men's Studies Association annual meeting on June 17.
  2. Miriam Abelson, women, gender and sexuality studies faculty, and Bobbi Zaman, social work, presented “Based White Family Men in the Northwest: Far Right Migrations and Masculinity on 4chan” at the American Sociological Association Virtual Conference on Aug. 7. 
  3. Anita Bright, curriculum and instruction faculty, presented a paper titled “Transactional, Transformative, and Transgressive Models of Education: Holding Fast to Ideals in Times of Great Stress” at the International Conference on the Social and Personal Challenges of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Novi Sad, Serbia. 
  4. Scott Burns, geology faculty emeritus, presented the Manuel Rocha Lecture in Engineering Geology, titled “Climactic Warning — Using the Past to Prepare for the Future of Increased Landslides and Other Geological Disaster Activity,” sponsored by the Portuguese Geotechnical Society in Lisbon, Portugal on Nov. 22.
  5. Liubomir Chiriac, mathematics and statistics faculty, gave a talk titled “The Average Number of Divisors Over Sparse Sequences” at Washington State University on November 29.
  6. Carrie Collenberg-González, world languages and literatures faculty, presented a paper titled “Moving Pictures and the Legacy of Weimar Optic” and was a participant on a panel called “Conflict in the Weimar Republic” at the California State University Long Beach conference “Weimar Modernities” from Nov. 17-19.
  7. Christine Cress, educational leadership and policy faculty, gave the keynote address titled “The Neurobiology of Bias: Why Our Brains Discriminate and What We Can Do About It” at the Oregon State Bar Lawyers Association’s Convocation on Equality on Nov. 5.
  8. Michele Gamburd, anthropology faculty, presented a paper titled “Kinwork and Aging in a Changing Global Context: Migrant Emplacement in Sri Lanka” on a panel called “Aging in Contexts of Im/Mobility Regimes” at the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association on Nov. 19. 
  9. Hollie Hix-Small, education faculty, presented “Establishing Multisectoral Collaboration in Professional Training of ECI Specialists” at the Early Childhood Intervention Forum “Early Years is the Time of Opportunities” in Dushanbe, Tajikistan on Nov. 19.
  10. Ken Ruoff, history faculty and director of the Center for Japanese Studies, gave a lecture for Portland Community College titled “The Use and Abuse of History in Japan and Korea” on Nov. 30. 
  11. Lisa Weasel, chair for the Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies department, gave a talk at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology on Oct. 7 titled “Glass Ceilings and Invisible Walls: Promoting Gender Equity in STEM.”