PSU Film Students Attend Flaherty Seminar

Professor Ben Mendelsohn in the Park Blocks
Ben Mendelsohn

Thanks to the generous support of donors Jim and Sandy Wygant, Film majors Jesselyn Amerling, Sebastian Suarez Hode, and Vivian Veidt attended the 66th Flaherty Film Seminar, held virtually in July 2021.

Film faculty member Ben Mendelsohn who suggested sponsoring students to attend the seminar, says, “The reason that something like the Flaherty festival appeals to me for students is it’s an opportunity to engage in some degree in the collaborative study of films that we do in school with a community that’s not entirely students or scholars. There’s a lot of filmmakers, a lot of programmers, a lot of producers. It has a bit of educational detention in that you are not just going to a screening and then going to another or not. You learn through the talking as much as you learn through the watching.”

Student Vivian Veidt says of this "dazzling" festival, “The seminar created a space in which barriers to understanding were free to be broken or upheld as the individual saw fit.”

Student attendee Jessleyn Amerling was inspired by the the programming. "It was really exciting to see films that aren't easily available, and to see several of the filmmakers discuss their ideas and goals with the pieces. For anyone interested in experimental film, the Flaherty is an amazing and immersive experience. I would love to go in-person someday to interact with other attendees more, but it was also interesting to consider virtual space throughout the 10 days of viewing. Thank you to PSU Film for the sponsorship and to Professor Ben Mendelsohn for encouraging me to attend!"

The School of Film would like to thank the generous donors whose support enhances Film students' educational experience through engagement with the larger film community beyond the classroom.

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