Congratulations to the 2022-23 Koerner Camera Systems Scholarship Recipients

Professional film camera being used by student
Close-up view of camera

Portland State University School of Film extends its congratulations to the 2022 - 23 recipients of the Koerner Camera Systems Scholarships, Caty Jimenez and Noah Nizam.

Now in its seventh year, this scholarship, made possible by the generous support of Koerner Camera Systems, enables the School of Film to make two awards of $5,000 each to Film majors with an interest in cinematography.

Caty Jimenez, a senior Film major, is thankful for the generous award which will move her closer to her goal “to create entirely new worlds that sprout from one small idea.” The Koerner scholarship will help to support her in her final year of study at Portland State. An early interest in photography, sparked by Caty and her sister photographing their vacations with disposable cameras, started her on a path towards filmmaking. “I’m very passionate about breathing new life into the old and finding the beauty in items one might normally see as being useless or unimportant. I want to be able to bring this philosophy into my future career as a creator.”

A woman with brown hair and glasses smiling
Caty Jimenez

Sophomore Noah Nizam’s interest in film started early. “I was always making short films, skits, and music videos.” He followed this passion for film to Portland State where he could hone his craft while continuing to work on projects for his independent film business. The Koerner Camera Systems scholarship will help support Noah as he works towards his goal of “growing my independent film business to create films that inspire people and create connections between people and grow a community.”

A man with curly hair wearing green graduation robe and mortarboard gives a thumbs up
Noah Nizam

The ongoing support of Koerner Camera Systems is a vital and foundational contribution to student success in the School of Film.

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