Teaching Professor Ranks, Ad-Hoc Committee to Include in University Promotion & Tenure Guidelines

Ad-Hoc Committee to Include

NTT Teaching Professor Ranks in University Promotion & Tenure Guidelines


Chair: Gayle Thieman

Name Designated by Department (Division)
Caughman, John CoC MTH (CLAS-Sci)
Eddy, Brandon CoC SPHR (CLAS-SS)
Lindberg, Debra CoC CCJ (CUPA)
Sloan, Cynthia CoC WLL (CLAS-AL)
Thieman, Gayle CoC C&I (COE)
Wheeler, Claire CoC CH (SPH)
Kerns, Jennifer PSU-AAUP HST (CLAS-SS)
Knepler, Annie PSU-AAUP UNST (OI)
Miller, Hannah OAA Spec.Asst. to VProv.-APLD
Ostlund, DeLys OAA Assoc. Dean, CLAS


Faculty Senate created this ad-hoc committee in October 2020 with the following charge:

  • Write language regarding the new faculty ranks for inclusion in Part III: Ranks
  • Write language for inclusion in Part IV: Academic Appointments, Part V: Administrative Roles and Procedures, and elsewhere as needed
  • Provide to the Faculty Senate Steering Committee a document in "track changes" format indicating additions and deletions
  • Complete the work by February 1 to present to Senate for consideration in March


Insert language on NTT Teaching Professor ranks into University Promotion & Tenure Guidelines as amended [2021.05.03 D.1] - approved as amended