Academic Quality Committee

Membership 2024-25

Co-chairs: Rowanna Carpenter, Maria Kapantzoglou, Harold McNaron

NameDepartmentStart of Service
Carpenter, RowannaUNST2023
Dozal-Lockwood, RichardPH2024
Jiang, BinMTH2024
Mitra, ArnabEC2024
Gray, MollyUNST2023
Kapantzoglou, MariaSPHR2021
McNaron, HaroldOAI2023
Tunc, YasinC&I2023
Zagarella, AngelaWLL2024
TBDone student 
TBDProvost's rep. 
TBDEPC rep. 
  status 6/12/24


1. Research, identify, and recommend practices that promote and sustain academic quality for faculty and students at Portland State University.

2. Conduct and review biennial surveys of faculty and students.

3. Report on issues, concerns, and potential for actionable ideas.

4. Conduct research on implementation of best practices and make recommendations to Faculty Senate.

5. Maintain a “dashboard” that evaluates progress on implementation of academic quality initiatives.

6. Report to the Faculty Senate at least once each year.


AQC Annual Report 2020-21
AQC Annual Report 2019-20