Jun Jiao

Expert in Nanomaterials and Electron Microscopy

Mechanical and Materials Engineering

Office Phone

Professor and Director, Center for Electron Microscopy and Nanofabrication

Dr. Jiao's principal research interests are focused on nanoscale materials and devices, electron microscopy, and characterization techniques. Current research in the Jiao lab is focused on the development of nanofabrication techniques for the property-controlled growth of graphene and its metal and metal oxide hybrids, nanotubes, nanowires, and nanocrystals for use in nanoelectronic devices with the potential for industrial applications.

Another important effort is to use nanoscale materials and devices for biomedical applications, including cancer therapy, cancer vaccine, and adjuvant for infectious diseases. The results of her research are documented in more than 200 publications and five issued patents.

Jun Jiao
  • Ph.D., University of Arizona
  • M.S., University of Arizona
  • B.S., Shandong University