C.N.E. Corbin

Expert in Urban Political Ecology, Environmental Justice, Gentrification, Green Cities, Public Parks, and Science Fiction

Urban Studies & Planning

Office Phone

Assistant Professor, Urban Studies & Planning

Dr. C.N.E. Corbin studies the relationships between society and nature within the built environment by investigating the concept of the green city within the U.S.; her work focuses on public green spaces and how urban “sustainable development” initiatives and environmental policies and practices impact and shape land-uses and public park access.

She examines both sides of environmental (in)justice, the uneven distribution of environmental harms and the uneven development of environmental goods, and incorporates media studies and visual culture to understand how images represent and influence environmental, racial, and spatial understandings of urban spaces.

C.N.E. Corbin
  • Ph.D. Environmental Science, Policy and Management, University of California, Berkeley
  • B.A. African American Studies & Media Studies, University of California, Berkeley