Brian Renauer

Expert in Urban Crime, Racial/Ethnic Disparities, Police Bias, Crime Policy, and Police-Community Relationships

Criminology & Criminal Justice

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Professor and Chair, Criminology & Criminal Justice

Dr. Renauer's recent research interests have centered on issues of racial/ethnic disparity and criminal justice within a variety of areas (e.g. public perceptions of trust/legitimacy, implicit bias, police stop and search decision-making, risk assessment, juvenile referrals to court, and public transit fare enforcement) and using multiple methodologies (e.g. survey research, longitudinal data analysis, randomized experiments, and training).

He has helped staff a Governor-appointed committee in Oregon focused on the issue of profiling and bias in law enforcement since 2007. His research has appeared in outlets such as the Police Quarterly, Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, and Journal of Social Psychology. Dr. Renauer and his research teach were awarded The W.E.B. Du Bois Scholars in Race and Crime Research FY 2017 from the National Institute of Justice for an examination of the pre-trial risk assessment approaches and sentencing outcomes in two Oregon counties.

  • Ph.D., Criminal Justice