Sara Herrejon Chavez

Sara Herrejon Chavez


Sara Herrejon Chavez did not always know where she was headed with her interest in science and research. When she began her journey by joining LSAMP (Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation), she entered a program of community support that pushed her to apply to BUILD EXITO. “I owe my research identity to LSAMP because that’s where my roots started... but EXITO watered me, they fertilized and made sure I got enough sun!” 
With EXITO, Sara spent almost two years fully immersed in a biology wet lab, performing research centered on microbial communities inside root nodules of red alder trees, and with Dr. Daniel Ballhorn, who’s lab focuses on plant defense mechanisms. This fall, she is headed to a PhD program in Integrative Biology at the University of California Berkeley, where she will focus her studies on viral ecology with pollinator species.

Reflecting on her experiences in research, she leans into being part of a supportive undergraduate research community. “I don’t think I would have been accepted into Berkeley if I didn’t gain all the experience in research...I owe a lot of my experience to EXITO and a lot of my community support. I think I’m a more well rounded person by being in this program.”

Sara also believes that EXITO was a chance for her to get outside of her own experiences. “I think I came into it from what is considered an underrepresented background…. but I only came in with one perspective…(and) leaving EXITO, I think I’ve gained a lot of perspective from other people….it’s honestly one of the most diverse rooms I've ever been in.”


Sara saw many of her peers applying to their dream schools after their undergraduate studies, and decided to follow suit. “All they can say is no, and rejection is part of’s not my favorite flavor, but you know, rejection is a flavor of life. That really is the worst of it.”

Sara stresses the importance of doing the things that bring you joy, that you love, and that you are excited about. “When you come from an underrepresented background, we count ourselves really shouldn’t count yourself, why? You’ve come so far, why not just keep going? As long as you like what you are doing!”


Sara also proudly serves as a Peer Mentor for other EXITO students who are in the program that provided so much guidance and support for her. Currently she’s planning the last term of transition for this year’s seniors. “I’m kind of honored to take a hand in shaping the next gen of STEM students... it’s really exciting.”

When asked about her impact on the world of science and representation in her field, Sara laughs. “Science is about to get a lot more fabulous, I’ll tell you that! I see myself as being kind of, it’s gonna sound corny, but like a trailblazer…I know so many people came before me and carved out a path so I could be here….and I’m gonna contribute to that path, maybe I’ll be the one to pave it for someone else, so it’s a more accessible road. That’s part of my role because there can’t be someone advocating for your communities outside your community. It has to come from within, you know?”


  • "It's important to be the change you want to see in the world." 
  • "Work on yourself, and learn to love yourself, also take care of yourself." 
  • "Surround yourself with people who inspire you." 
  • "Learning self-accountability is key, not just in our academic or work lives but in our relationships with people and the communities we wish to serve." 
  • "Introspection is a skill that even most adults haven't mastered but we can never fully grow if we're not willing to look within and improve from the inside out." 
  • "You run into happy things and things that bring you joy if you put yourself into it."