Show & Tell Design Lecture Series presents Spencer Garland


Art Building Room 320 2000 SW 5th Ave Portland OR 97201 OR on

Cost / Admission



Show & Tell Design Lecture Series welcomes Spencer Garland

Spencer Garland is the founder of BRENDA ARTS, an interdisciplinary media studio that collaborates with POC youth as an integral part of our productions. Originating as a BIPOC after-school arts program that turned into a boutique media company, Garland’s work spans film, video games, education, design, and animation. He heavily emphasizes uplifting students who look like him and prides himself on giving them the tools to explore the fullness of personhood rarely offered to marginalized communities. He aims to tell Black stories that have never been told through animation while showing the process of making the project in real-time with my students. Their feedback and questions drive his own personal curiosity.

Show & Tell is PSU Graphic Design’s online lunchtime lecture series where working design professionals stop by to blow our minds with wisdom! Our lectures happen (nearly) every Thursday during the school year at noon Pacific and are hosted by DES 125 Show & Tell students!

Free and open to the public

All talks are presented live via

Upcoming Talks:

May 23 • Precious Bugarin | Creative director and educator