Show & Tell Design Lecture Series presents Precious Bugarin


Art Building Room 320 2000 SW 5th Ave Portland OR 97201 OR on

Cost / Admission



Show & Tell Design Lecture Series welcomes Precious Bugarin

Precious Bugarin is a creative director and educator. For over 25 years she’s used design as a language for equity to connect nonprofits to supporters, students to design aspirations, entrepreneurs to audiences, and diverse voices through events. Her experience as a first-generation Filipino American, small business owner, teacher, and mother has highly informed her work. She’s collaborated with numerous organizations and businesses including Arts for Learning, the City of Portland, Instrument, Nike, Ok You, and PBOT, among others. She’s currently Mercy Corps’s art director, where she helps guide the organization’s visual brand. In addition, she’s a senior adjunct faculty at Portland State in the Schnitzer School of Art + Art History + Design, and on the board of Write Around Portland. Her unique journey has shaped her body of work and the value she places on working with clients, teaching students, and connecting people through design.

Show & Tell is PSU Graphic Design’s online lunchtime lecture series where working design professionals stop by to blow our minds with wisdom! Our lectures happen (nearly) every Thursday during the school year at noon Pacific and are hosted by DES 125 Show & Tell students!

Free and open to the public

All talks are presented live via