Shakespeare Speaker Series: Science, Public Health, and the Theater


Lincoln Studio Theater

Cost / Admission

Free with registration


How do Shakespeare’s plays depict bubonic plague and other diseases, and what can they teach us about our own public health crises such as Covid–19?


After the pandemic, as after plague outbreaks, people will be drawn together once again to commiserate, to mourn, and to invent a new sense of normalcy. Focusing on these communal objectives in the distant past, a talk on “Science, Public Health, and the Theater” will provide one forum for pursuing these communal objectives after our own recent past.

Tanya Pollard is Professor of English at the Graduate Center and Brooklyn College, City University of New York. She teaches and publishes on Shakespeare and on theater, medicine, and disease in Renaissance England.

This talk is free and open to all. Please register below.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024
12:00 p.m.
Lincoln Studio Theater
Portland State University

This event is part of Shakespeare’s First Folio: 1623–2023, a public humanities project staged by Portland State University and other regional arts organizations from September 2023 through May 2024.

Shakespeare portrait with “Shakespeare’s First Folio: 1623-2023”