PSU Student Research Symposium Workshops


Smith Memorial Student Union Ballroom (3rd floor).

Cost / Admission


Questions? Email

The PSU Center for Internship, Mentoring, and Research (CIMR) is hosting a series of in-person and virtual workshops to help you prepare for the PSU Student Research Symposium! 

RSVP to attend a workshop: All workshop attendees will be entered for a raffle prize! Can’t
attend? Workshop materials and recordings will be shared with students. Interested in presenting your research and creative works?

Participate in the annual PSU Student Research Symposium on Wednesday May 8, 2024 as part of PSU Research Week. Undergraduate and graduate students from many disciplines are invited to showcase their research and creative works at the Symposium. $100 awards for winning presenters! 

2024 Symposium Timeline
February 5: Proposal Submission begins. Submit your abstract and proposal to participate
April 15: Proposals/Abstract Submission Deadline (EXTENDED)
April 22: Notification of Acceptance (for extended deadline submissions)
April 26: Student Presenters Must Confirm their Participation
April 29: Upload poster and presentation materials to PDXScholar
May 3: Deadline for PSU students wishing to print posters using on-campus printers
May 8: In-Person Symposium Event

CIMR Workshops 

Scientific Poster Help Session:

Friday, April 12 from 3pm-4:30pm

Scientific Oral Presentation Help Session:

Friday, April 19 from 3pm-4:30pm

Presentation Coaching Session:

Monday, May 6 from 3pm-4:30pm

The PSU Student Research Symposium is part of Research Week, an annual celebration of the researchers who help make our University great. Explore more 2024 Research Week events.

PSU Student Research Symposium Workshop dates with images of past symposium workshops