Headshot of Thomas Fisher

Thomas Fisher


English - Liberal Arts & Sciences

FMH M312
(503) 725-8994

Fields: Poetry and Poetics, Critical Theory, Aesthetics


  • Sorsere (The Cultural Society, 2017)
  • Writing Not Writing: Poetry, Crisis, and Responsibility (University of Iowa, 2017)
  • Convivium, with Jessica Jackson Hutchins (Publication Studio, 2010)

Selected Publications:

  • “Making Sense: Jacques Ranciére and the Language Poets.” Journal of Modern Literature 36.2 (Winter 2013): 156-174.
  • “Acting Disaster.” Celebrity Studies 3.3 (November 2012): 343-345.
  • “The Audible and the Inaudible: Bob Kaufman and the Politics of Silence.” Babilónia 10/11 (2011): 273-290.
  • “Reading Renunciation: Laura Riding and the End of Poetry.” Journal of Modern Literature 33.3 (Spring 2010): 1-19.
  • “Outside the Republic: Poetry as a Visionary Practice.” Textual Practice 23.6 (December 2009): 975-986.
  • “A Political Poetics: George Oppen and the Essential Life of the Poem.” Arizona Quarterly 65.2 (Summer 2009): 83-98.

On the PSU faculty since 2002.