Oregon’s Young Inventors Set to Champion Environmental Justice at National Engineering and Design Competition

MESA High School Team
MESA High School Team

Seven brilliant students are representing the state in the highly anticipated MESA USA National Engineering and Design Competition. The event is scheduled to take place in Albuquerque, NM at the end of June, bringing together young innovators from across the country to present their human-centered design inventions. 

Oregon MESA is an after school STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) program that equips public school teachers to help underserved and underrepresented middle and high school students excel in STEM through hands-on invention education. Guided by this year’s theme, Designing for Environmental Justice, student teams have been working with a client in their community to ensure equal access to environmental resources and protection from environmental threats for everybody.

MESA Middle School Team
MESA Middle School Team

Three talented inventors from Alder Creek Middle school placed first in the state middle school division with their street noise sensor. Throughout the school year they worked with employees in the city of Milwaukie to address their need to sustainably increase the amount of sidewalks in the city. Team members Lucy, Lily, and Lucy created a noise level sensor to assess which streets in Milwaukie are busier and more dangerous. Their device aims to provide precious and necessary data for their clients to ensure pedestrian safety, especially for folks with mobility disabilities.

The innovative team from Parkrose High School earned first place in the high school division with their Climate Mitigator. After interviewing the community engagement manager at Blanchet House, the team learned about the often deadly dangers of wet clothes in extreme weather for individuals who are unhoused. Team members Coral, Essey, Tyler, and Madeline worked together on a portable multipurpose clothes-drying tool to combat climate-related disasters and their disproportionate effect on our unhoused communities.  

“Every year in MESA, we get the opportunity to meet a new person, understand their needs, and identify challenges they face,” Parkrose High School team members shared in their final reflection. “We get the chance through human centered design to create something for communities that need it most, to be a part of something bigger than ourselves, and the chance to make people’s lives better. It’s an honor to be let into the lives of those we design for, be trusted with their struggles, and know that they trust us to help. MESA gives us the amazing opportunity to help support those in our communities who need it most.”

The national competition, renowned for its emphasis on fostering innovative thinking and problem-solving skills among young inventors, offers a platform for students to showcase their talent and continue making a tangible impact. As they prepare to embark on this exciting journey, the seven Oregonians are eager to share their inventions and engage with MESA students from across the nation. They hope to learn from their peers' ideas, gain valuable insights, and continue to work towards a more sustainable and equitable future.