Maseeh College Alumni Profile: Alex Fox

Alex Fox, Team Lead (Software Engineering), Phoenix Technologies Beaverton     

1. In layman’s terms, what does your field of engineers/computer scientists do?

I work on resolving issues in BIOS/UEFI. BIOS/UEFI stands for Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) and Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI), which are software programs stored on a computer's motherboard and responsible for booting up the computer and initializing its hardware components before the operating system starts. They provide a basic set of instructions that a mobile mainstream platform or computer follows to start up properly.
2. What is your background?

The daughter of Colombian immigrants, I was born and raised in southeast Portland.   

3. What was your educational path?

After starting my academic journey at Mt. Hood Community College (MHCC), I navigated between MHCC and Portland Community College (PCC) while juggling part-time and full-time employment. I continued this balancing act for a couple of years until I made the decision to transition to Portland State University (PSU) as a full-time student. At PSU, I enjoyed the opportunity for a focused educational experience.

4. Why did you choose Maseeh College at PSU?

I chose to attend PSU initially due to its affordability and proximity to my family home. At PSU I was able to pursue higher education while remaining close to my support system.

5. What was your favorite aspect/experience/moment/class/professor at Maseeh College?

One of the most memorable aspects of my time at Maseeh College was undoubtedly the hands-on experience I gained in the lab. It provided me with a unique opportunity to dive deep into practical applications of the theoretical knowledge I acquired in class. Working with various tools and software allowed me to develop valuable technical skills and problem-solving abilities that are crucial in the field of engineering.

6. Do you have any advice or words of wisdom for current Maseeh College students?

Always ask for help when you need it. Make sure you understand the questions you are asked and the problems you are set to solve.

7. Do you have any advice for high students/young people/aspiring engineers or computer scientists?

For high school students or aspiring engineers, my advice would be to explore their field of interest as extensively as possible before deciding to specialize. This exploration can involve taking various courses, participating in extracurricular activities related to STEM fields, seeking internships or shadowing opportunities, and engaging with professionals in the industry. By gaining exposure to different areas within engineering or computer science, individuals can better understand their own interests, strengths, and career preferences, which can ultimately guide them towards a fulfilling and successful career path. Additionally, this exploration phase allows individuals to develop a broad foundation of knowledge and skills that can be valuable regardless of the specific specialization they choose later on.

8. How did Maseeh College help you prepare for your career?

Maseeh College played a pivotal role in preparing me for my career in several ways. Firstly, it equipped me with invaluable teamwork skills through various collaborative projects and group assignments. Working closely with diverse teams of fellow students mirrored the dynamics of professional environments, where effective teamwork is essential for success. 
Additionally, Maseeh provided me with a solid foundation in debugging processes, a fundamental skill in any technical field. The curriculum emphasized not only how to identify and troubleshoot technical issues but also how to establish systematic approaches to problem-solving. By learning structured debugging methods and practices, I gained confidence in my ability to tackle complex problems methodically and efficiently.

9. Please share any career highlights, awards/recognition you've received and/or accomplishments you're most proud of.

I am proud of how I’ve started from square one at my company and have managed to become a team lead.

10. What are you most hopeful about in terms of engineering/computer science and/or  engineering/computer science future innovations in your field?

I am hopeful that as technology keeps advancing that we will continue to prioritize safety and security in everything that we do.     

What would you title your autobiography?

It Gets Easier… Sort Of