Preparing the next generation of the semiconductor workforce

Semiconductor process technology is one of the fastest-growing sectors in the semiconductor microelectronics industry. The recently passed CHIPS for America Act unlocked $52 billion in federal support for domestic semiconductor manufacturing and design and is creating an even larger demand for trained workers to operate the projected increase in semiconductor-based chip fabrication activities, both regionally and nationally. 

Portland State is uniquely positioned to develop a highly-educated, skilled and diverse workforce in the semiconductor and microelectronic space as we build on our history of preparing students to enter this industry through hands-on coursework and research opportunities.

We offer a comprehensive and sustainable semiconductor workforce pipeline, one which already invests in STEM outreach at K-12 schools, includes programs for re-training, and is replete with high-performing and sought-after graduates at all levels.  Integral to this ecosystem are the cornerstones of diversity, access, equity, and inclusion, which are foundational to our institution. Listen to a recent PDXPLORES podcast about semiconductors at PSU or watch an AM Extra clip about using AI to advance semiconductor research.

The U.S. and Oregon must rapidly grow its semiconductor workforces: at a minimum, an additional 50,000 trained engineers and other workers will be needed in the next five years to meet this exponentially growing demand. PSU offers an increasing variety of courses and degree programs to help meet that need.


Portland State University offers a robust suite of semiconductor-focused courses, equipping students with the specialized knowledge and technical skills needed to thrive in this dynamic industry. From hands-on lab experiences in semiconductor device fabrication to in-depth explorations of advanced circuit design and testing, these immersive learning opportunities prepare our students to become the next generation of semiconductor innovators and leaders.


Diverse Internships for Semiconductor Careers (DISC) is a National Science Foundation (NSF) funded program designed to recruit and prepare diverse cohorts of early undergraduate STEM students for careers in the Portland Metro Area semiconductor-microelectronics technology sector.  The DISC program offers high-quality, paid internship placements in the semi-micro industry for underrepresented undergraduate students who will receive wrap-around support for their internships including comprehensive mentoring via Industry, faculty, and near-peer mentors; cohort-style professional development programming tailored for semi-micro career pathways, and career network development.


PSU is home to numerous state-of-the-art facilities and multi-university collaborations that support our faculty’s research efforts related to semiconductors.

Center for Electron Microscopy and Nanofabrication

The Center for Electron Microscopy and Nanofabrication (CEMN) supports the nanoscience and nanotechnology research activities and collaborations of more than 200 faculty, post-doc, and student researchers at Oregon's universities. It conducts externally-funded research projects on diverse topics that include nanomaterials synthesis, nanodevice fabrication, nanometrology development, green chemistry, micro-scale energy, and chemical systems. 


  • Nano-electronic Packaging Laboratory focuses on the development of critical technologies used in the designing, testing, and fabrication for electronic devices and systems.
  • Nanodevice Fabrication Laboratory centers around the fabrication of nanomaterials including carbon nanotubes (CNTS), graphene, ceramic coatings, and supported bimetallic nanoparticles.
  • Nanomaterial Synthesis Laboratory concentrates on the synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials including carbon nanotubes (CNTS), graphene, ceramic coatings, and supported bimetallic nanoparticles.
  • Microscale Laboratory targets fundamental fluid mechanics at the microscale, novel materials for microfluidic devices, optical and fluid manipulation of cells, and non-Newtonian fluid mechanics.


Portland State University boasts an impressive roster of world-class semiconductor-focused faculty, many of whom bring invaluable real-world industry experience to the classroom. From leading cutting-edge research in areas like smart grid technology to driving the development of the local semiconductor workforce, these expert scholars are fueling innovation and strengthening Portland's position as a global hub for semiconductor excellence.