When reaching out to the Clinic, staff will conduct a phone screening to assess your needs. The Clinic is now offering in-person and virtual services, you will then be scheduled for a phone intake assessment. A counselor will ask you questions about your past and present experiences and your reason for seeking counseling.
Based on the information you provide, we will do our best to match you with a counselor here within our Clinic or offer you referrals for providers elsewhere in your area. When working with a counselor at the Clinic, the first few sessions will be spent building a therapeutic relationship with your counselor who will work with you to develop a service plan.
Once the plan has been developed, you and the counselor will work together to implement the plan and monitor your progress to ensure that you are working towards meeting your goals.
Experienced supervision
Because we are a training clinic, counseling sessions are always supervised live or through audio/visual recordings. During in person sessions, each counseling room has one-way glass that allows a supervisor to observe the session in order to support and give feedback to the counselor. During both in person and virtual visits, we also record each session so counselors can review their performances and develop their skills. These recordings are treated as confidential information and only used for supervision purposes. Once the recording has been reviewed it is erased. Please let Clinic staff know if you have any questions regarding this requirement.