Tatiana Nochevnaya

Tatiana Nochevnaya, Admissions Advisor

Pre-Admissions Advisor

Recruitment and Admissions Services
503-725-9786 (call or text!)

Make an appointment with Tatiana

If you're interested in advancing your career in the field of early childhood education, becoming a bilingual teacher, or enhancing an existing teaching license with added endorsements or professional development programs, start by reaching out to Tatiana. She can assist you with determining which program is the right fit for you, so you can make an informed decision and learn how to apply. You can choose to meet in-person, by phone, or in a virtual Zoom meeting. Start with an email, by setting up an appointment, or even texting!

Other programs and advisors

For initial teacher licensure, speak with Laura Sequeira.

If you're interested in Counselor Education, speak with Jesse Chapman.

Interested in administration? For educational leadership programs, the Doctorate of Education, or the special education certificates, speak with Stefanie Randol.


If you've submitted an application and wish to check on the status of it, please reach out to Mark Wallace for the Graduate Teacher Education Program (GTEP) or Elementary Education Program, Jesse Chapman for counseling, or Kris Smith for any special education or educational leadership programs.