Program Details | School Counseling Certificate for Post-Master's Students

Total creditsEstimated resident costEstimated Washington border costEstimated non-resident cost
1-year program - 90$19,128$20,811$26,616
2-year program - 90$19,810$21,493$27,298

Program cost estimates are based on 2024/25 PSU tuition and fees only. This chart is provided to help you estimate the minimum tuition and fees for program completion. Additional fees may apply depending on the course of study that you choose to pursue and the specific courses for which you enroll, so you may also find it useful to review detailed tuition and fee information and the full cost of attendance for PSU programs.

Financial aid and scholarship options may be available to offset program costs. Visit COE Scholarships for specific details on how to qualify and apply.

Certificate Program of Study

Course requirements

Students enrolled in the School Counseling Certificate program must be graduates from an accredited master's program in counseling, psychology, or social work that required a clinical practicum focused on individual and group counseling skills. School Counseling Certificate eligibility does not include graduate degrees in teaching or education. The program is designed to meet the requirements for the school counselor license approved by TSPC. Students must complete 30 credits in the School Counseling core to be eligible for licensure in Oregon.

All students in the School Counseling Certificate program must take the School Counseling Specialization core courses. Teachers Standards and Practices Commission (TSPC) requires that applicants must document experience leading classroom-based teaching activities. Our students complete this requirement during their internships. 

The School Counseling Certificate program is usually completed in one or two years, though students can take longer if needed. Students may begin the program in any term, but may only begin internships in the fall term. Licensure can be recommended following completion of the final course. Students may waive up to five equivalent courses taken during prior graduate experience upon acceptance and by approval of program advisor. 

Course #Course Title# of Credits
COUN 504Internship: School Counseling 9
COUN 526Effective Teaching 3
COUN 527Counseling Individuals with Disabilities3
COUN 545Youth Ecosystems in Schools3
COUN 556Counseling Children in Schools3
COUN 557Counseling Youth in Schools2
COUN 576Parents, Families, and Communities in Schools3
COUN 589Action Research in Counseling3
COUN 596Foundations of School Counseling3
Total Credits32

Program Structure

This program is designed for working professionals who plan to move into the school system. Many of our students are already working in schools, therefore, we have two completion options:


Designed for someone who is not yet working in a school, students in this program will attend class in-person. Classes are typically held in the evenings and usually meet once per week. This format allows students to build community, learn from their peers, and prepare to become school counselors. 

Customized Online:

Designed for someone already working in a school, students in this program engage in online coursework and attend a weekly virtual meeting with classmates and the program coordinator. This format allows the student and professor to align the coursework to their job, having an even greater impact in their school environment while actively applying the concepts learned. 

To gain a stronger understanding of the structure options, please review this sample program of study. 

Course descriptions

For course descriptions, please consult the Bulletin or Class Schedule.

School Counselor License

School counselors in Oregon are licensed through the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission (TSPC). Once a student has completed their program of study and all required tests and workshops, they may apply to be recommended for licensure.

Requirements for licensure change frequently and students are responsible for staying up-to-date on licensure requirements.

Prior to a student’s first field placement, they must complete these two requirements:

  1. TSPC background check
  2. TSPC’s Civil Rights & Ethics course

Once all program requirements are met, a student may request that the COE Licensure Office submit a licensure recommendation to TSPC.

TSPC OAR 584-400-0160 states that once recommended to TSPC, graduates must apply for the School Counselor License within three years of program completion. After three years, another recommendation must be submitted, and additional program coursework may apply.