Mathematics Learning, Teaching, and Leading Program Program Details

Mathematics Learning, Teaching, and Leading Program

Program Details

Courses in this program are approved to count toward PSU’s  Mathematics Learning, Teaching, and Leading PreK-8 or grades 6-12 Certificate of Completion and TSPC’s Mathematics Instructional Leader (MIL): PreK-8 or grades 6-12 Specialization. For more information about specific requirements for each, see the program advising information. Current course schedule is provided on the Program Google Site.

Course Descriptions

For course descriptions, please consult the Program Google Site. 

Program completion

Certificate of Completion

Certificates of Completion are awarded for the Mathematics Learning, Teaching, and Leading Program as soon as you have completed the appropriate number of Content-Focused Pedagogy Courses. Grades must be posted. Please complete the form below to indicate you are ready for the certification.

You can use this program as a stepping stone to the Mathematics Instructional Leader Specialization as all courses will apply to your program of study. This certificate does not qualify for licensure.

MIL Specialization

Adding the Mathematics Instructional Leader Specialization to an Oregon License

Once you have finished all of the specialization's program's requirements (coursework, test, practicum), follow all steps of the instructions for adding an endorsement or specialization.

You must complete all program requirements before beginning the instructions for adding a specialization.

General licensure questions? Contact Licensure directly.

Please note: In accordance with OAR 584-420-0650, at least fifty percent (50%) of the Mathematics Instructional Leader program coursework must have been completed within five years prior to the date of application for the specialization.

Adding the Elementary Mathematics Endorsement to a Washington License

Upon completion of all the following program requirements, you can apply for the endorsement.

  • Take 24 credits of required coursework for the PreK-8 specialization.
  • As part of CI 518, 519, and 521 courses you will complete the equivalent to a 3 credit/90-hour supervised mathematics teacher leadership practicum and submit your capstone project: the Mathematics Instructional Leader (MIL) e-portfolio.

Review Applying for an Out-of-State Educator License