Program Details | Curriculum and Instruction

Total creditsEstimated resident costEstimated Washington border costEstimated non-resident cost
In person/hybrid - 45$26,342$28,709$36,872
Fully online - 45$25,012$25,012$25,012

Program cost estimates are based on 2024/25 PSU tuition and fees only. This chart is provided to help you estimate the minimum tuition and fees for program completion. Additional fees may apply depending on the course of study that you choose to pursue and the specific courses for which you enroll, so you may also find it useful to review detailed tuition and fee information and the full cost of attendance for PSU programs.

Financial aid and scholarship options may be available to offset program costs. Visit COE Scholarships for specific details on how to qualify and apply.

The College of Education’s MA/MS in Curriculum and Instruction is designed for professionals who want to pursue advanced work in education. Courses are intended to help students develop as leaders in their schools and communities or simply increase their knowledge base about how students learn and the best ways to educate them. The master’s degree is:

  • a non-licensure degree program, culminating in a Master of Arts (MA) or Master of Sciences (MS)
  • 45-credits consisting of core courses (24 credits required) and electives (21 credits based on student needs and advisor approval)

Curriculum & Instruction master's degree delivery options

Fully online option

Earn a Curriculum and Instruction master's degree in a collaborative online format. Designed for working teachers and professionals in education-related fields, our online master's program encourages you to put theory into practice. You will:

  • Work closely with outstanding faculty. The same faculty who teach our in-person courses also lead our online courses 
  • Connect with other students. PSU's online course platform encourages direct, frequent interaction among classmates
  • Join a cohort. You'll take your core courses with the same group of students, enabling you to develop strong relationships
  • Apply what you learn. Use course material to address challenges specific to your own classroom, school district, nonprofit or governmental agency
  • Develop the skills to promote ethical, culturally sensitive instruction and curriculum in your education career

Core course sequence

Year 1
FallCI 581 Issues in Education
WinterCI 580 Theories of Instruction
SpringCI 565 Theoretical Models of Curriculum 
SummerCI 582 Creating Inclusive Communities
CI 561 Adv. Ed Psychology
Year 2
FallCI 590 Action Research Proposal 
WinterCI 567 Curriculum and Culture
SpringCI 591 Action Research Implementation 

Face-to-Face/Hybrid option

  • Schedule your classes around your life and learning style with face-to-face, hybrid, and online courses
  • On-campus courses offered throughout the year
  • The on-campus program is not a cohort so you can apply and start taking your core courses and electives at any time. 
  • Program planning guide

Other options available. We are flexible; speak to your advisor.


Elective credits are selected with the help of an advisor and may be taken in conjunction with core courses. They are not limited to CI courses and can be applied to specializations, endorsements, graduate certificates, and certificates of completion throughout the College of Education and University as a whole. (e.g. Reading Endorsement, ESOL endorsement, math specialization, Teacher Leadership, and Autism Spectrum Disorder). There are face-to-face, online, and hybrid options each term. Electives may also be transferred into the program (up to 15 credits) provided they meet the University’s transfer credit criteria.

  • Can be used to earn endorsements, specializations, graduate certificates, or certificates of completion
  • Are not limited to education courses which allows for an individualized curriculum
  • May be transferred into the program provided they meet the University’s transfer credit criteria
  • Are limited to six credits at the 810 level within the master's degree, with advisor approval. No 808 level classes are acceptable.
  • COE Open Enrollment Electives

MA/MS culminating activity

The purpose of the Action Research Project is to study and improve one’s own practice and is accomplished by the successful completion of two core courses:

  • CI 590 Action Research Proposal (3 credits): Candidates design and write their independent action research project proposal.
  • CI 591 Action Research Implementation (3 credits): Candidates implement and analyze their project.

You have a 7 year window in which to complete your 45 credits of core courses and electives. Most students complete in a little over 2 years.

Course descriptions

For course descriptions, please consult the BulletinClass Schedule, or Google site