Program Details | Bilingual Teacher Pathway

Total creditsEstimated resident costEstimated Washington border costEstimated non-resident cost
Master's - 69–76$44,250$48,207$62,349
Bachelor's - 180$47,076$50,982$124,296
Bachelor's (transfer) - 90$24,206$26,159$62,816

Program cost estimates are based on 2024/25 PSU tuition and fees only. This chart is provided to help you estimate the minimum tuition and fees for program completion. The bachelor's degree estimates are based on either (1) completing an entire bachelor's degree at PSU, or (2) transferring from a partner community college having already completed 90 credits.

Additional fees may apply depending on the course of study that you choose to pursue and the specific courses for which you enroll, so you may also find it useful to review detailed tuition and fee information and the full cost of attendance for PSU graduate programs or undergraduate programs.

Financial aid and scholarship options may be available to offset program costs. Visit COE Scholarships for specific details on how to qualify and apply.

During the 2024-2026 Academic Years, the BTP Program will be undergoing curriculum revisions. Courses listed in the program are subject to change. Your advisor will keep you informed as they become finalized.


  • Study for and take NES Subtest 1 & 2 exams
  • Submit fingerprint clearance & complete the Civil Rights Module
  • MTH 211 (4 credits), MTH 212 (4 credits), MTH 213 (4 credits), LIB 428 (3 credits)

Program of study

Depending on which Field Experiences you will need, the Bilingual Teacher Pathway program will be completed in 68–72 credits.

BTP core courses  take place on Wednesday evenings from 4:00–6:30pm and/or 6:40–9:20pm

* Specialization courses (indicated with ESOL, DL, or both in the tables below) take place on Monday evenings from 4:00–6:30pm and/or 6:40–9:20pm

Year One - Fall
Course# of Credits
BBE 4/524 Professional Development & Reflection2
BBE 4/522 Human Development & Learning in Multicultural-Multilingual Communities4
*ESOL/DL: ELP 4/566 Impact of Language and Culture in the Classroom3

Total credits: 9

Year One - Winter
Course# of Credits
BBE 4/532 Language & Literacy Development for Diverse Learners3
BBE 4/534 Planning, Assessment, and Curriculum3
*ESOL/DL: CI 4/596 Second Language Acquisition and Development for K-12 Educators3

Total credits: 9

Year One - Spring
Course# of Credits
BBE 4/542 Elementary Mathematics Methods3
BBE 4/544 Culturally Responsive Learning Environments3
*DL: BBE 4/548 Biliteracy Development (or alternative)3

Total credits: 9

Year One - Summer
Course# of Credits
BBE 4/554 Technology & Education3
BBE 4/562 Elementary Science Methods for DL Learners3
BBE 4/552 Integrating Arts into Elementary Methods3
*ESOL/DL: ELP 4/565 ELL School-Community Relations3

Total credits: 12

Year Two - Fall
Course# of Credits
BBE 4/580 Inquiry & Reflective Practitioner A3
BBE 4/572 Literacy Development in the Content Area3
*ESOL/DL: CI 443/543 Effective Teaching Strategies and Materials for Working with Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Students3
Field Experience (Internship: 4 or Practicum 3)0–4

Total credits: 9–13

Year Two - Winter
Course# of Credits
BBE 4/580 Inquiry & Reflective Practitioner B3
*ESOL/DL: new class BBE 510 Bilingual Education History, Laws, and Policies3
*DL: BBE 4/574 Biliteracy Assessment (or alternative)3
Field Experience (Internship or Student Teaching 1)4

Total credits: 13

Year Two - Spring
Course# of Credits
BBE 4/580 Inquiry & Reflective Practitioner C2
Field Experience (Internship or Student Teaching II)5–9

Total credits: 7–11


Field Experience Options
 District Employee**Non-EmployeeIntern***
FALLPracticum (3cr)Internship A (4cr)
WINTERStudent Teaching I (4cr)Student Teaching I (4cr)Internship B (4cr)
SPRINGStudent Teaching II (9cr)Student Teaching II (9cr)Internship C (5cr)

** employed in district as paraeducator or instructional assistant
*** employed as a teacher of record

Program completion

A language proficiency exam will be required for the Dual-Language Specialization, and an ORELA ESOL exam will be required for the ESOL Endorsement, prior to being recommended for an Elementary Multiple Subjects License.

Once you’ve completed your program, you’ll need to apply for both your teaching license and degree (Master of Education or bachelor's degree).