Program Details | Autism Advanced Concepts in Intervention

Program of study

Course CR # Sum Fall Win Spr
Autism at School: Implementing Inclusive Practices in General Education 3   x    
Comprehensive Autism Programming, Collaboration, and Coaching 3     x  
Teaching Social Skills and Building Relationships for Students with Autism and Related Needs 3       x
Students will select any one of the Autism Core Concept courses to complete this certificate. 3 or 4        

Course descriptions

SPED 410/510 Autism at School: Implementing Inclusive Practices in General Education (3 credits)

This course emphasizes research-based strategies and inclusive practices for educating students on the autism spectrum in general education school-based settings. The underlying characteristics of autism will be reviewed and the ways in which this information informs effective instruction and use of positive behavior supports. An overview of federal and state requirements related to school-based services for students with autism will be reviewed. In addition, effective collaboration practices with outside agencies will be discussed.

SPED 410/510 ​​Comprehensive Autism Programming, Collaboration, and Coaching (3 Credits)

This course emphasizes instructional practices grounded in research that are effective in  teaching and supporting students with autism with complex learning and communication needs (DSM-5 level 3). Topics include: assessment to identify goals, setting up structured learning environments, engaging children in learning, teaching essential skills and communication systems, strategies to prevent challenging behaviors, teaching prosocial replacement behaviors, data collection and analysis to inform instruction. In addition, effective collaboration with families and service providers will be discussed.

SPED 410/510 Teaching Social Skills and Building Relationships for Students with Autism and Related Needs (3 credits)

Researchers have confirmed that the development of social skills is a key predictor of success and emotional wellness for individuals with autism in adult life. Learn how to assess social communication, reframe challenges into teachable skills, develop meaningful goals and objectives, implement evidence-based social skills instruction, draw upon a diverse array of curricula, ensure generalization of skills, and collect/analyze data to inform ongoing instruction. Strategies to promote positive interpersonal relationships will also be explored.

SPED 410/510 Students must take or have taken at least one of the four autism core concepts courses.

PSU designates 400-level courses as undergraduate and 500-level courses as graduate.  Students in this program may choose which level (i.e., 410 or 510) meets their needs. 

Program completion

A certificate of completion is available for those who have completed each course in the Autism Advanced Concepts certificate program with a grade of C or better. Please fill out this form to request your certificate of completion.