Diversity and Identity

Students on a Budget

oaxaca mountains and water

One of the most common misconceptions about studying abroad relates to cost. Many students believe that study abroad is out of reach. This is simply not true! We have over 200 programs at different levels of cost - some even less expensive than a term at PSU! Your Portland State Financial Aid can be used toward your study abroad program, and there are many scholarship opportunities to help fund your experience.  If you are worried about financing your study abroad, we encourage you to take a look at the information below, talk with an Education Abroad Advisor, and start planning early!

Things to Consider

  • Direct enroll and Direct Exchange Programs These types of programs are often more affordable than 3rd party providers.
  • Short-term, Faculty-Led Programs These PSU Programs can also be very affordable. The short-term nature of these programs means that students with jobs, family, or other commitments can more easily take part in studying abroad.
  • Program Providers Costs vary between program providers, as well as between individual programs, depending on the location and program length. Program Fees can be found on the VikingsAbroad Brochure page for each individual program.

    I knew I wanted to study abroad so that I could expand my view of the world. However, I knew that funding would be an issue, so I did my research and sought out scholarships. I was awarded the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship, USAC Network University Scholarship and the Northwest Indian Housing Authority Scholarship.

    -Alexandria Koumentis, USAC Italy

    Woman in front a fountain in front of a building

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