Program Types


Short-term Faculty-led Programs - Course(s) or community project(s) designed by PSU faculty for PSU students and PSU credit.  While often open to students outside of PSU as well, you will primarily be studying, traveling, and living with fellow PSU students and PSU faculty. Duration ranges from one to eight weeks; are offered mostly in the summer, but also during term breaks and throughout the year; may offer Capstone credit; and are often designed for both graduate and undergraduate levels.

Fully Integrated Programs at Foreign Universities - Designed with the independent, self-motivated student in mind, these direct enroll or direct exchange options offer you the experience of total immersion in an overseas university by attending courses with local students at host university. In essence, you become one of many international students assisted by the international student services, just like you see on the PSU campus. Some course or language prerequisites generally required. These programs are often, though not always, more affordable full-term length programs, as you are not paying for many additional services.

Island Programs for U.S. Students - Designed exclusively for U.S. students studying overseas, these programs provide opportunities that may not be available through the regular curriculum of a foreign institution. These may be housed at a study center rather than a university. These programs are particularly well-suited for students who are looking for more one-on-one student service, smaller courses, or who have specific academic requirements best catered to by these programs. These programs may ultimately be more expensive, as you are paying for a high level of service.  Fortunately, many program providers offer additional scholarships to help. 

Hybrid Programs - Combining the best features of the fully integrated and island program options, our hybrid programs offer a combination of regular university courses and courses designed for program participants. 

Considering which type of program is most appealing to you will help when you meet with an Education Abroad Advisor for more information. To schedule an appointment, call 503-725-4094 or email