Diversity and Identity

Non-Traditionally Aged Students

Mt Fuji Japan

At PSU, we have many non-traditionally aged students successfully participate in a wide array of Education Abroad programs. If you are considering studying abroad, we encourage you to take a look at the program types that we offer in order to find the type of program that best suits your preferences. If you would like to discuss studying abroad as a non-traditionally aged student, please make an appointment with an Education Abroad Advisor.

Gate with Chinese writing

Featured Student

“The students & professors were very welcoming to me even though my age made me a non-traditional student. I made many friends among the US students, my Chinese classmates, and my professors. This friendship is not something that money can buy.”-Chechen Carol Gwo, CIEE Peking University

Things To Consider

  • Family/Work/House in home country: How do you plan to handle your obligations back home while you’re away? Will you need to set up autopay, pay rent in advance, or find a solution to store your belongings if you are in a long-term program?
  • Program Duration: How long is it feasible to be away from home or work?
  • The Age of Fellow Students: Are most students in the program traditionally-aged students? If so, is this a concern for you?
  • Host Country Cultural Expectations: How accepting of older students is your host country/university/program? Are there any age restrictions?  Are you comfortable interacting with students of different age groups?
  • Finding the Right Program: The amount of independence you have is largely based on the type of program you choose. For example, direct enroll and direct exchange programs allow for much more independence than Island programs.  (Keep in mind that direct enroll and direct exchange programs also require students to make a lot more of their own arrangements on-site as well as negotiate local bureaucracy, which can be very confusing). How much support will you need to be successful in your host country?
  • If You Have a Family: Please consult our Students with Families page.

Additional Resources

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