PSU Faculty-Led Info Session (Virtual): France: Painting and Street Art in France



Cost / Admission


Kendra Larson, Instructor

From cave paintings to plein air painting (outside on-site) to street art, people have always used art to communicate publicly. Wanting to be heard is a uniquely human quality. This class aims to examine this urge, as well as find common ground between artists working is Portland and France today. We will begin in Portland and travel to France as a group to view famous works in person (such as the Mona Lisa, Van Gogh’s Self Portrait, and Monet’s Water Lilies), paint at historical sites (such as Montmartre and Van Gogh’s Saint Paul Asylum), and connect with ancient artists once working at Chauvet Cave.

Through studio visits, street art tours, museum visits, cave painting excursions, and painting onsite we will develop a deep understanding of paintings role in society and as a form of communication. Furthermore, this course will allow you the opportunity to improve your painting skills, develop new painting techniques, and deepen your own art practice. This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity will inspire and give you the confidence to pursue your art and travel goals.

Program Dates: December 9th, 2024 - December 20th, 2024

Course Credit: ART 399/410 (4 credits)

Education Abroad Advisor: Fara Mendy,
Faculty / Program Leader: Kendra Larson,
