PSU FAC-LED INFO SESSION (Virtual): Germany and the Czech Republic - Design in Berlin and Prague



Cost / Admission


Faculty Leaders: Lis Charman, Lo Moran,    

There is a lot to be learned from Berlin’s and Prague’s rich networks of art, design, culture, social and environmental movements, and community-based practices. The course will include exploring several hubs for design, art, and community culture in Berlin and Prague as well as participating in hands-on workshops and a collaborative project based on the class’s collective research questions. We will meet with and gain insights from artists and designers working to create culture within each city. Our project will take the form of a collaborative zine and other printed and digital materials that can be presented in a public context. This class is designed for students from all different disciplines to come together, experiment, and collaborate while learning about and getting directly involved in art and design in Berlin and Prague. Themes we will explore include: Design and the histories of Berlin and Prague; Contemporary art and design in Berlin and Prague; Design, community, and urbanistics; Design and decolonial approaches to institutions; Design, sustainability, and environmentalism; Interdisciplinary art and design collectives in Berlin and Prague. 

During your time in Berlin and Prague there will be a chance to participate in a group exhibition on the 18th of July @ Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik (ZK/U)!


Program Dates: July 6th - 21st, 2024

Course Credit: DES 410/510: Design in Berlin & Prague - 4 credits 

Education Abroad Advisor: Giustina Pelosi,
Faculty / Program Leader: Lis Charman,
Lo Moran, 
